

Party Structure and Organisation

The Conservative Party is a voluntary organisation with many members offering their spare time to organise and campaign for the Party. Volunteers run their local Associations and donate many thousands of hours of their time to help the Party. They campaign all year round, delivering leaflets, surveying and contacting voters in their local area. Our volunteers also raise money to run the Party across the country, to help strengthen Conservative voices across the United Kingdom.

Click here to find out more about the Conservative Party Structure.

Conservative Organisations

The Conservative Party, in addition to its memberships, contains a number of Recognised Organisations. These groups are responsible for representing specific sections of the Conservative Party and have special recognition in the Conservative Party Constitution. Currently, the Recognised Organisations of the Conservative Party are as follows:

Young Conservatives

The Young Conservatives are organised at a local level within Associations. All Party members aged 25 and under are automatically members of the Young Conservatives and are organised into branches within their local Associations. Find out more.

Conservative Women’s Organisation

The Conservative Women’s Organisation works for the women members of the Conservative Party, to represent their views to the Party Leader, Chairman and MPs. The CWO provides training, mentoring and speaking opportunities, and supports women who wish to become involved at all levels of public life and in their local community. Find out more.

Conservatives Abroad

Conservatives Abroad is the global network of the Conservative Party for members and supporters living permanently or temporarily abroad. Conservatives Abroad has members and branches across the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Australasia. Find out more.

Conservative Policy Forum

The Conservative Policy Forum enables members to contribute directly to the Party’s policy-making. All Party members are automatically members of the CPF and every Association or Federation should have an active CPF discussion group. Find out more.

Conservative Communities

The Conservative Party works to facilitate conversation between ourselves and different communities, to make sure everyone is represented. That includes industry experts, faith groups, diaspora communities, and more.

The following groups are affiliated to the Conservative Party:

British Tamil Conservatives

Conservative Friends of Bangladesh

Conservative Friends of India

Conservative Friends of Pakistan

Conservative Friends of Small Business

Conservative Friends of the NHS

Conservative Friends of the Republic of Korea

Conservative Friends of Ukraine

Conservative Muslim Forum

LGBT+ Conservatives

We have an even wider group of link groups within our network from the Conservative Rural Forum to the Conservative Education Society. They play an important role in strengthening the ties between our Party and communities across the United Kingdom.

If you want to find out more or be connected to groups representing your interests, send us an email today.

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