Gender Pay Statistics

Our Gender Pay Statistics

Successive Conservative Governments have taken action to make sure that the gender pay gap is eliminated once and for all. As part of this, we have called on companies, both small and large, to publish their gender pay gap data in order to shine a light on pay inequalities and the reasons behind them.

We will continue to take steps to monitor and review progress on gender diversity in order to achieve gender equality across our organisation.

This information relates to the 2019-2020 reporting period.

‍Our Gender Pay Gap

Percentage of men and women in each pay quarter

Lower quartile66.7%33.3%
Lower middle quartile63.2%36.8%
Upper middle quartile57.4%42.6%
Upper quartile70.6%29.4%

Our Actions

Whilst our gender pay gap is well below the national average, we know there is more work to do and we remain dedicated to working to achieve parity of pay. Consequently, we are publishing our own gender pay gap data here as our commitment to meet these standards.

As an equal opportunities employer we will continue to work to take all reasonable measures to ensure that we recruit people from both sexes and all races and from people with disabilities and regardless of sexual orientation and will ensure that applications are not disadvantaged because of disability.

We publish our generous parental leave and pay policies on our website so that all prospective employees are well informed of their rights.


  • We are publishing this data in advance of our submission deadline, the 4th April 2021.

  • These figures refer to the Conservative Campaign Headquarters including all field and regional staff employed by the Conservative Party. This includes those in Wales and Scotland. It does not include those directly employed by Associations or by any elected officials.

I confirm that the information included in this report is accurate.

Alan Mabbutt OBE

Registered Treasurer and Legal Officer